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Podcast-sarja: “Skin in Focus”

Tässä Podcast-sarjassa on iho keskiössä. Lähde mukaan oivaltavalle matkalle ihon maailmaan ja tutustu yleisimpiin iho-oireisiin ja niiden hoitoon sekä ennaltaehkäisyyn. Mediha Sarwar isännöi tätä podcast-sarjaa, jonka tarkoituksena on tarjota terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille arvokasta tietoa ja tukea.

Podcast koostuu kahdeksasta jaksosta, joissa ihotautilääkärit ja ihoasiantuntijat jakavat asiantuntemustaan ja antavat käytännön neuvoja ja vinkkejä eri iho-ongelmista ja niiden hoidosta. Keskustelut perustuvat ammatilliseen tietämykseen ja käytännön kokemukseen, ja niiden tavoitteena on syventää ymmärrystä ja edistää tietämystä tästä tärkeästä ja meitä jokaista koskettavasta asiasta.

Jokaisessa jaksossa keskustellaan siitä, miten ongelmallista ihoa voidaan hoitaa, sen oireita hallita, ja miten palauttaa oireilevan ihon tasapaino. Olitpa sitten yleisesti ihonhoidosta kiinnostunut, terveydenhuollon ammattilainen tai iho-oireista kärsivä, tämä podcast-sarjan tarkoitus on jakaa tietoa ja kasvattaa tietämystä ihon hyvinvoinnista -inspiroivalla tavalla.

Kuuntele uusimmat jaksot haluamallasi podcast-alustalla!

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Episode 1

Understanding Keratosis Pilaris

Dr. Ana Bendito
M.D. in Medical Sciences, specialist in Pediatrics and Endocrinology, and Master in Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-aging. Born in Madrid, raised in Mérida, Venezuela, and currently based in Stockholm. Founder of Bendito Clinic, offering non-invasive aesthetic treatments such as fillers, botulinum toxin, mesotherapy, and thread facelifts. Passionate about aesthetics and anti-aging, she is highly respected by her patients for her expertise.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 2

Managing Dry Skin: Importance of Moisturisation

Dr. Petra Verga Kan
A specialist in dermatology, trained at the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital, where she also completed her Ph.D. in molecular genetics. In 2012, she co-founded Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud, now Sweden’s largest dermatological clinic group outside hospitals, with 12 locations. The clinics treat various medical skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and skin tumors. Dr. Verga Kan is also a frequent expert in media and education.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 3

Exploring Eczema: Diagnosis and Management

Dr. Mohammad Rizvi
Mohammad Rizvi is a consultant dermatologist at the Department of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital. With a PhD from the University of Oslo, he has made contributions to the study of longterm dermatological complications after organ transplantation. In addition, Dr. Rizvi is the managing director and co-founder of Askin, an innovative digital dermatology health care service.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 4

Understanding Psoriasis: Treatment Approaches

Dr. Sandra Jerkovic Gulin, MD MSc PhD
A Consultant Dermatologist and Clinical Researcher specializing in genital dermatoses, skin cancer, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Currently a Senior Consultant at Region Jönköpings län, Sweden, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Linköping University, with a strong focus on lichen sclerosus and skin lymphoma.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 5

Ingredients and Efficacy in Skincare Products

Dr. Nina Pendergraph
With 10+ years of experience, Nina Pendergraph, Ph.D., specializes in cosmetic, biocidal, and chemical products. She holds an M.Sc. in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. in Fiber and Polymer Technology from KTH. In 2022, she founded Reguliance Partners, offering regulatory expertise for EU and UK markets, drawing from her roles in R&D, medical, and regulatory affairs.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 6

Tailoring Skincare Regimens to Individual Needs

Dr. Maria Brolin
A Specialist in Dermatology with extensive experience in diagnosing and managing skin diseases like acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. She has expertise in skin cancer screening and treatment, with training in plastic surgery. Former operations manager at a major Stockholm clinic, she’s now starting a private practice in Lidingö and has worked in aesthetic dermatology.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 7

Skin & The Microbiome

Dr. Ina Schuppe Koistinen
An Associate Professor and Alliance Director at the Centre for Translational Microbiome Research, leading the Women’s Health team. With a background in biochemistry and molecular toxicology, she has held leadership roles in pharma R&D. Her research focuses on the microbiome’s role in women’s reproductive health, aiming to improve outcomes through novel therapies and diagnostics.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar


Episode 8

The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Advice

Dr. Petra Verga Kan
A specialist in dermatology, trained at the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital, where she also completed her Ph.D. in molecular genetics. In 2012, she co-founded Diagnostiskt Centrum Hud, now Sweden’s largest dermatological clinic group outside hospitals, with 12 locations. The clinics treat various medical skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and skin tumors. Dr. Verga Kan is also a frequent expert in media and education.

Hosted by Mediha Sarwar